Hi guys, It's going to be a year . Yeah, my blog is going to turn a year in few hours. I am quite excited and very happy. Days seems to have run really fast. I still remember the days when I wasn't that good with blogging. I didn't have any idea about what to write and how to explain. I am kind of reserved person and I find it difficult to speak up that easily. But today, thanks to blogging, this has really helped me a lot... I can see myself much improved . Now I am a bit good and comfortable with blogging and also my communication skills and writing skills have improved with this.

I wanted to start few things with this New year but since the first anniversary was just around, I preferred waiting to make this announcement. Yeah not one but 2 announcements. Well don't wanna make you keep guessing it's not a big surprise.

I am going to start 2 new blog under this blogger. One would be poems and shayaris and the other one would be beauty and health blog. Wondered?
I have mentioned a few times that I am blessed with creative skills . I really thank God for that gifting me with this skills. I am passionate about writing and I have loads of poems and shayaris penned down in my dairies and computer. Often my friends suggested me to publish them, but I don't really find them that good enough to publish them. But blogging them is quite a nice idea. Well, I won't be posting all the poems since many of them are really special to me which have my feelings and emotions but I would post many of those which are good enough and would be enjoyable to read.

I don't write often. I really need a mood or need to be left alone , that's when I can write something. Like many poets who can write on anything and everything, I am not that good in this. I pen down what flows in my heart , they are feelings and emotions which I never share with anyone. I have many friends, in fact loads of friends but I am very much a private person. I don't share any of my feelings or emotions with my family or friends. In a way that has really made me strong as a person today and helped me what I am. I love learning and poems have helped me learn patience, tolerance and most of all it taught me to be good with everyone. Its something which can be taken away from me.

The Purpose I am gonna blog on health and beauty is not much relevant though. I had a bad health and skin since young age and I had to face really worst time due to this. When I was young, I couldn't do much to improve it but now that am bit matured and have enough Knowledge I am really able to fight them. I am born with a allergy which makes me worse to everything harsh around me and takes a toil on my health and skin. I am almost allergic to everything around, it really sounds ridiculous but I live with it. I had a really bad skin till few years but now, I have followed many things , seriously learnt many things which made better results than I had before when I had to run for appointments to many docters. This aren't much special remedies but may be many people would be able to get some benefit out of it the way I had. There are not much Indian beauty sites or beauty blogs on net. May be I can contribute something. Nah, I didn't learn everything myself. I too learnt them from internet sites and blogs, through books, articles from newspaper and Magazines, through people etc. This subject really interests me. Even this is art. I won't be just blogging to share my knowledge but to learn from people who read this.

I am really thankful to all those visitors who visited my blog and made me feel good. I am thankful to all those beautiful comments I received , to all those food sites who invited me join them, to all those people who mailed me to give their feedback. You all made me feel really special and I want your wishes and blessings to keep my blog going .

This isn't just a blog for me, its my friend and guide and I treat my blog with respect on par as a human.

Happy 1st Anniversary To My Blog In Advance!!!!
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